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Rallye Damenteam from Austria :) https://www.jaennerrallye.at/2025/fotos/4/1.jpg https://www.jaennerrallye.at/2025/fotos/4/45.jpg
Thank you! The new season has just started in Austria: https://www.ewrc-results.com/results/79872-lkw-friends-on-the-road-jannerrallye-powered-by-wimberger-2025/ And it was full of snow! ...
If some other tams or manufacturer will show interest and actualy enter the field, then we will not care. But leaving in those crucial times it's not a good news at all. Come on Skoda, you...
Musée National de l'Automobile / Mulhouse (France) They have many rally cars like this (MG Metro 6R4, Ford RS200 etc) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djJZHAeo_5Y...
Michael Lengauer wins Janner Rally, the first round of Austrian championship. It was full of snow:...
National Rally championships News